Here are five foods that should actually be kept in the fridge, not the pantry, to preserve their freshness and flavor:
1. Natural Peanut Butter
While regular peanut butter can be stored in the pantry, natural peanut butter lacks the preservatives that keep it from spoiling at room temperature. Refrigerating it helps prevent the oils from separating and keeps it fresh longer.
2. Nuts and Seeds
Though many store nuts and seeds in the pantry, they contain oils that can go rancid quickly, especially in warm environments. Storing them in the refrigerator keeps their flavor intact and extends their shelf life.
3. Whole-Grain Flours
Unlike refined flours, whole-grain flours contain healthy oils from the germ of the grain. These oils can spoil if the flour is left in the pantry for too long. Refrigeration helps prevent spoilage and keeps the flour fresh.
4. Maple Syrup
Pure maple syrup has no preservatives and can develop mold if kept in the pantry once opened. Keeping it in the fridge helps prevent this and ensures that it stays fresh for months.
5. Tomato-Based Sauces (After Opening)
Once opened, tomato sauces and other jarred tomato-based products are prone to bacterial growth if left out. To preserve their taste and freshness, it’s best to refrigerate them after opening.
These foods benefit from refrigeration to maintain their quality and prevent them from spoiling, even if they’re often found in the pantry.